Montanos o

Eclipse Fest

Join us for an unforgettable experience under the darkened skies of the 2024 Solar Eclipse. Friends of Montanoso are welcome to join us for free. Camp for two nights under the Texas stars or brave the traffic and come for the day.



Explore the stars through a telescope and see the Milky Way from Montanoso's dark rural location.


Bring a swimsuit and towel to cool off in our hilltop pool with a view.


Meals will be available. Exact meals TBD but will likely include Sunday dinner and Monday post-eclipse lunch/dinner. A grill is available as well.



Enjoy comradery around a campfire.

Event Options

Two-Day Camping

Immerse yourself in the full experience with our two-day camping option. Enjoy all activities, including exclusive night-time events.

Eclipse Day Pass

Join us for the day of the eclipse and enjoy all scheduled activities and viewing areas. Perfect for those who can't stay overnight.